In the summer, I am happy to welcome you to Bamboul'âne/Eeyore in Eourres, to introduce you to my donkeys and this neck of the woods that I love so much. In summer, I’m very busy, and I love it!
But when the days get shorter, the light grows paler and the leaves are dappled gold and brown; once the wood is in, there’s a supply of hay, and the donkeys go back up the slopes until the first snow, then, for me, writing season has arrived.
In this novel, I wanted to give a voice to women wanderers – those who, by choice or by force, leave everything behind and wind up on the road, hitchhiking with a backpack or living in a van.
It’s a road-novel in which I invite you to follow Jesse and So, two young women who head off for an adventure on the roads in the south of France.
Throughout the novel, they reveal their true selves, sharing their desire for freedom, their laughter and tears.
But rather than talking about it, I invite you to read a few excerpts. (in French)
Or the opening pages
You can get this novel directly from my publisher
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[Office1]On le précise, quand même ? Sinon, il faudrait que je les traduise aussi...)
This “second” novel is actually the first one I wrote.
It won the Lions Club SE’s 2017 regional literary prize.
In it, I wanted to talk about men and women’s bond with nature.
About the bond that will connect a child to nature, and to her own, untamed nature.
I invite you to discover Lola’s first steps in a squalid house with a depressed, unloving mother and her sweet daddy in an urn on the sideboard in the dining-room.
Yet Lola is a joyful, lively child who wants to learn about the world!
As she grows up, she will get to know an oak tree, a small neck of the woods, a lager world, and a new life!
You can graze on a few extracts (in French)
or, if you’d like to read the first few pages, you can take a peek over
Order it from my publisher
from Amazon
Or better yet, from your local bookshop!